Simon’s Cat!

A crazy looking white cartoon cat instructs us to listen up because the Kreatrix has something important to say.

When you're in the trenches of self-employment and wondering if your little venture will soar to the heights you hope, it helps to:

  1. LAUGH
  2. Revisit your favorite people's humble beginnings

Simon's Cat meets that criteria and I know I've shared some things from Simon Tofield before but I haven't shared his very first animation from 2008. It still cracks me up.

Fast forward to recent months and he has given us another classic. Most cat people have lived with a cat who is obsessed with the roll of toilet paper but this animated feature takes the whole ordeal to hysterical heights.

Simon Tofield went from a one man operation (he did that first video all by himself and said it took a very long time) to having a small crew work with him. Even with a crew he reminds us the videos still take quite a while but the detail and length of his features has expanded over the years. Truly amazing and yet simple in their complete honesty of what it's like to live with a cat!

Thank you, Simon, for giving me the gift of laughter!

A photo of Simon Tofield with a photoshopped version of his cartoon cat.
Simon Tofield and his cat

4 thoughts on “Simon’s Cat!

  1. Candie

    Is there anyone out there who isn't controlled by a cat like Simons? I have two that gang up on me like that, Tiger and Gil. Tiger is the one that demands I get up in the morning by 6:30 at the latest. If I don't respond I get a paw in my nose, eye, lip, cheek and if that doesn't work, the claws come out and grab the top of my head and pull.
    It's a lot funnier when it's happening to Simon. Thanks of the great laughs.

    1. The Kreatrix

      Post author

      Seriously. I know. I need to put my camera next to the bed so that I can video what happens in the morning. I'm not even sure I know what it is Wally is doing on top of me. I mean, really. Sometimes the Prof gets jealous...that's how intense it gets.

  2. Kendra

    I LOVE Simon's Cat. I hadn't seen either one of these! I don't know how I never managed to see his first ever animation. He'd probably get a kick out of the Chairman and his gang!!!


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