Tag Archives: cute cat dolls


Whimsical Call Dolls Take It Up a Notch!

The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

Well, looky here. This ultra sleek, ultra modern and colorful thingy was sitting at the curb and I knew it was destined for me!


Why? Don’t know. Don’t even know what it is but I do know humans stare at anything with a screen for HOURS on end. Soooo anything with a screen must be VERY, VERY powerful.

That’s right…you know where I’m going with this. WORLD DOMINATION Community Building.

So, I recruited the CEO to help carry it into our headquarters.

Two Cat dolls carrying an iMac computer.

My new cat enjoyed the ride up top.

But we kinda got annoyed when he kept screaming

“I’m King of the World! Celine, where are you when I need you?”

Cute Cat Doll actd out famous scene from the movie The Titanic.

Whew! Victory!

Cat Dolls collapsed in fatique

My cat kept saying…

            "Do it again. Do it again! Again! Again!"

We sat and stared at it for hours…waiting for it to do something.

Cute cat dolls still watching a blank iMac screen.

Cat dolls still watching a blank iMac screen.

FINALLY, the Kreatrix joined us.


In all her infinite wisdom she remarked:

“Hmmm. What are you gonna do with it?”

Haven’t a clue. The on button won’t even work. I shared with her my deepest feelings about being brave in my quest for World Domination. How I needed to remain vulnerable in my courage so that people could relate to how willing I am to be cracked open with vulnerability and I would be willing to lean into my courage if I just knew what I was supposed to lean into.

She said:

“What the heck are you talking about?”

I don’t know…I read it somewhere on the internet.

“Uh-huh. Well. Use the Force, Luke. You’ll figure out what to do with it.”

I hate when she says that! Like I’ll be able to figure -----OH WAIT! OH GLORIOUS DAY…. I gotta go. I gotta get to work! I am gonna RULE!!! Whimsical cat dolls (keyword alert) are gonna rule!