Building the Dolls


The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.Fine. I was busted. The stress of running this conglomerate got to me and I snapped...just a little bit. I am supposed to publicly apologize to Wally so I'd like to eat two birds with one stone and use the keyword for today's post in my apology.

"I hereby apologize to Wally, one of the whimsical cats that is not a doll, for locking your furry little whimsical cat's booty up in the whimsical cats carrier."

Okay then. We're good.

Lot's happening around here while we forge on towards World Domination Community Building. Here's some fabric painted by the Kreatrix (I watched).

Hand painted fabric for cat dolls.

Hand painted fabric for cat dolls.

LOOK AT THIS! I like picking out the eyeballs for my cat army community. Sooooo many choices.

Colorful buttons used for whimsical cat doll eyes.

Woop! That guy back there kinda looks like me.

Cute cat doll poses in front of cat dolls being made.

AND THEN TRAGEDY STRUCK! The Kreatrix stopped working on my clan in order to do this:

Computer screen showing what The Kreatrix had to work on for a client who sells dog products.

Now correct me if I'm wrong but that sure looks like a D O G!

I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you. I must research the all important meaning of the word "client". Apparently, clients are closer to World Domination than I currently am because there's been a whole lotta bowing and scraping to this client thing.

So I tried to work on my own.

Cute cat doll cuting out fabric.

By the way, I put together a nice little slideshow of what the RLC's (real life cats) were doing whilst I was SLAVING away. Enjoy.